Lockouts are a common problem that occurs when someone is either locked out of their house, vehicle, or other property due to lost keys, stolen keys, forgotten passwords, or combinations. It can be an extremely frustrating and time-consuming situation to deal with. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to help prevent lockouts from occurring in the first place. Understanding the common causes of lockouts and taking steps to avoid them can help reduce the chances of experiencing this costly issue.

The most common cause of lockouts is simply forgetting keys, codes, or combinations. This can happen when people accidentally leave their keys inside their car or house, fail to remember a code for an electronic door lock, or inadvertently put items in front of a door or window that prevents it from being opened. In addition, leaving keys in an easily accessible place increases the chance of theft or unauthorized access to a home or vehicle.

Another cause of lockouts is malfunctioning locks and hardware. If the lock mechanism is old, worn out, or otherwise not functioning properly, it can cause someone to be locked out. Improper installation of locks by inexperienced technicians can also result in this problem. Additionally, neglected maintenance on locks can lead to issues such as sticking locks that may become jammed and prevent entry into a residence or vehicle.

To avoid lockouts due to these common causes, it’s important for people to maintain their locks properly and replace them when necessary with reputable locksmiths. It’s also important to always make sure that keys are taken with you when leaving the house or car, and that combinations and passwords are remembered if they’re used for access. Finally, making sure that nothing is blocking any doors or windows of a home can help prevent lockouts from happening in the first place.

By understanding the most common causes of lockouts, taking steps to avoid them, and staying vigilant with keeping up with regular maintenance on your locks, you can significantly reduce your chances of experiencing this frustrating problem. Hopefully, these tips will help keep you and your property safe from lockouts!

Lockouts can be frustrating and inconvenient, leaving you feeling helpless and stranded. Whether it’s being locked out of your car, home, or office, the experience can be incredibly stressful. But fear not!

In this article, we will explore the common causes of lockouts and provide you with practical tips on how to avoid them. So, let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to preventing those pesky lockouts!

Forgetting or Misplacing Keys

We’ve all been there – you’re in a rush, your mind occupied with a million things, and you forget where you placed your keys. It’s an all too common cause of lockouts.

So how can you avoid this predicament?

  • Create a designated spot: Designate a specific place, like a key hook or a small bowl, where you always put your keys when you come home. This simple habit can save you from the hassle of searching for your keys when you need them.
  • Make duplicates: Consider making duplicate keys and giving them to trusted family members or friends. This way, even if you misplace your keys, you’ll have a backup plan to avoid getting locked out.

Faulty Lock Mechanisms

Sometimes, lockouts occur due to faulty lock mechanisms. A lock that’s worn out or malfunctioning can unexpectedly leave you locked out.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Regular maintenance: Ensure that you conduct regular maintenance of your locks. Lubricate them periodically to keep them functioning smoothly. If you notice any signs of wear and tear, consider calling a professional locksmith to repair or replace the lock.
  • Upgrade your locks: If you have old or outdated locks, it might be time for an upgrade. Modern locks come with enhanced security features and are less prone to malfunctions. Consider investing in high-quality locks that offer increased durability and reliability.

Lost or Stolen Keys

Losing your keys or having them stolen is not only inconvenient but also poses a security risk.

To minimize the chances of lockouts in such situations, follow these steps:

  • Rekey or replace locks: If your keys are lost or stolen, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Contact a locksmith to either rekey the existing locks or replace them entirely. This ensures that whoever has your keys won’t be able to access your property.
  • Install keyless entry systems: Consider upgrading to keyless entry systems, such as electronic locks or smart locks. These systems provide added convenience and eliminate the risk of lost or stolen keys altogether.

Frozen or Jammed Locks

During colder months, frozen or jammed locks can be a common occurrence, especially with exterior doors.

Here’s how you can prevent lockouts caused by frozen or jammed locks:

  • Apply lubrication: Before the onset of winter, apply a silicone-based lubricant or graphite to the lock mechanism. This helps prevent moisture buildup and keeps the lock operating smoothly even in freezing temperatures.
  • Use de-icing products: If you find your lock frozen, use a de-icing product specifically designed for locks. Avoid using hot water, as it can damage the lock. Gently apply the de-icer and wait for the ice to melt before attempting to unlock the door.

Faulty Door Handles or Latches

Sometimes, the culprit behind a lockout is not the lock itself but rather a faulty door handle or latch.

Here’s what you can do to prevent such lockouts:

  • Regular inspection: Periodically inspect your door handles and latches for any signs of wear or damage. Ensure that they are functioning properly and tighten any loose screws.
  • Replace worn-out handles or latches: If you notice any significant wear or damage to your door handles or latches, it’s essential to replace them promptly. Faulty components can lead to lockouts, so investing in new, durable handles and latches is a wise choice.

Accidental Lockouts

Accidental lockouts occur when you inadvertently lock yourself out of your property.

It can happen to anyone, but there are measures you can take to prevent this situation:

  • Double-check before closing: Before leaving your home, car, or office, develop a habit of double-checking that you have your keys with you. Take a moment to ensure you haven’t accidentally locked the door behind you while leaving the keys inside.
  • Keep spare keys accessible: It’s always a good idea to keep spare keys accessible in case of accidental lockouts. You can give a spare key to a trusted neighbor, family member, or friend who lives nearby. Alternatively, consider using a keyless lockbox or a hidden key holder in a secure location.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I avoid lockouts when traveling?

When traveling, make sure you have multiple copies of your keys and store them in separate locations. Additionally, consider giving a spare key to a trusted neighbor or family member who can check on your property while you’re away.

What should I do if I’m locked out of my car?

If you find yourself locked out of your car, first check if any doors or windows are unlocked. If not, call a professional locksmith or roadside assistance service to help you gain access to your vehicle.

Can I prevent lockouts caused by electronic keypad malfunctions?

To prevent lockouts caused by electronic keypad malfunctions, make sure to change the batteries regularly. Keep spare batteries on hand and familiarize yourself with any backup access methods provided by the keypad manufacturer.

Are there any precautions I should take to avoid office lockouts?

In an office setting, it’s important to communicate and establish a protocol with your colleagues regarding locking doors. Ensure that everyone understands their responsibilities, such as making sure the door is not locked when there are still people inside.

How do I avoid lockouts due to broken key extraction?

To avoid lockouts caused by broken key extraction, handle your keys with care. Avoid excessive force or twisting when using keys, especially in old or worn-out locks. If you encounter any difficulty or notice damage to the key, consult a locksmith for assistance.

What should I do if I’m locked out and there’s an emergency inside my property?

If you’re locked out of your property and there’s an emergency situation inside, such as a fire or someone in distress, always prioritize calling emergency services first. They can quickly provide the necessary assistance to handle the emergency.


Lockouts can be incredibly frustrating and disruptive, but with proper precautions, they can be avoided. By implementing simple habits, conducting regular maintenance, and considering technological advancements, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of lockouts. Remember to double-check your keys, maintain your locks, and have backup plans in place to ensure you never find yourself stranded outside your own property. Stay proactive and stay prepared!

Have you ever been locked out of your house?

South Austin Locksmith is here to help you avoid losing time, money, and hassle due to lockouts. We know that lockouts can be an infuriating experience and we don’t want anyone else to go through this. That’s why we want to inform you about the most common causes of residential lockouts and how to prevent them from happening in the future.

Knowing what can cause a lockout might not make it a pleasant experience but it will save you time and money down the line. So have peace of mind knowing that with some tips from us, lockouts are preventable!

Contact us now at (512)-777-0915 for more information about preventing residential lockouts!